Archive projects, iCal support, Task Colors & Project Titles

Feature news! Today we’re releasing the following new features (available for all plans, paid and free): Archive Projects If a project is finished,  on hold or rarely accessed, you can now archive the project and all its tasks. The most recent changes and reports will still be visible, but the project will no longer appear …

Export of Reports (CSV, HTML & MoneyBird), Project bar update, New permission level

Hi everyone, time for some more feature news! Last week we reported about improved time tracking & hourly rates. With those features, it’s possible to create reports that include – not only the spent time – but also the price, depending on the hourly rates. As the reports can now also be used for billing …

Announcing multiple Thymer Accounts, Permissions, Sub-Teams, and new Settings panel

The last couple of weeks we’ve been working on some major improvements. Features for working more easily with people across multiple companies and teams. Some people use Thymer within teams and companies, some use Thymer to keep track of personal matters. Often however, people use Thymer for both. There are very busy users out there, …